Saturday, November 21, 2009


Dear Readers:
This is the only letter that will be addressed to you.

This blog came from an idea I had while I had my hair cut. It's funny where the ideas come from.
Anyways, I was thinking about how many times I had rolled my eyes or yelled at my tv when some idiotic celebrity did something stupid. Which, unless you've been living underneath a rock, you should know, is quite often.

This blog is simply me writing letters, on this blog, to different celebs. It's one letter, once a week, for everyone to read. Which, I'm guessing, celebs will never find this blog. But, hey, who knows...
I might add, I'm not actually going to send my posts as letters. Just in case you were wondering...

Here's a little info about me:
1) I'm just a female greatly disturbed by the influence Hollywood has on everyone. It's not like they've contributed anything worth being proud about, yet, they strut around like peacocks.

2) I don't enjoy writing letters, so we'll see how this blog goes. :)

3) I'm going to try and incorporate humor into this thang. So, here blows! The problem is, I'm not funny, but, hey, we'll see how this goes. Alright?

4) Um, yeah, that's about it.

Thanks for reading,
Thrust into the Storm

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